Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A taste of things to come (to?)

This is an inexhaustive, unorganized sample of things I've worked but haven't released so far, things I'm currently working and will be done with shortly, or things that I may or may not plan to do at some point in time between now and the heath death of the universe. If you recognize anything in it- good job, you win a cookie! You'll have to pay shipping and handling yourself though.

There are at least two completed-but-stuck-in-limbo releases missing, and things in there that I don't quite know if, or how, I'll ever manage- so this is by no means a schedule or anything.

(There's even some Work-safe stuff in there! Fantastic. Still no Natsunokumo though, and that sucks.)
One of the things in there should be ready sooner later than later. Stay tuned!

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