Ain't dead yet, folks! Just been too lazy to put enough work into editing - but I'll try my best to get back on track during the following weeks. There's more than a couple things coming out in the near future, so stay tuned.
First thing off the list, thanks to the valiant efforts of
FUKE (who translated and scanned the book) and Shadkats (who put the moolah to
actually buy the book), a lovely doujin from Musha Sabu - and it's all about the legs.
I'm more of an ass guy myself, but I must admit that this book tickled my fancy quite a bit. Is FUKE secretly trying to shape my tastes? Will he convince me to work on something full of tentacle and rapey bits next? (No, no he won't. I'm sure. Kinda.
I think.)
As the tags state, and as the cover confirms if you had any doubts, this is NSFW: try an approach similar to that of the guy in the book and you may indeed find some lovely legs near your crotch - most probably trying to punt your ball sack though.
See ya soon!