Friday, July 6, 2012

Natsunokumo chapter 15

Chapter 15 - Group Encounter #1 is done!

In this chapter, we see the aftermath of the clash with Kabaki, and how Gaur's holding up after the loss of her beloved Grandma. Also, a little more insight into what has happened in the past at the Zoo, and as per usual a look at how people online can be gigantic assholes.

Still no translator in sight, so again, we only have 3 chapters left to go. I'm sounding more and more like a broken record, but I'd really like to see this translated to the end- and avoid commissioning a translator if at all possible. If anyone is willing to step up and take care of the script leave a comment here on the blog, or send an email to

If a group wants to pick it up the project and release it as their own, feel free to do so.
Chapter 16 will come later in the month, depending if I manage to leave town for a while or not.
See you soon!

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