Sunday, February 16, 2014


Put on the Panty & Stockings soundtrack (I'd suggest either Pantscada or Schranz Chase, but Theme for Scanty and Kneesocks will fit just fine), make yourselves comfortable (leather mask? chains? I won't judge) and enjoy this heartwarming tale of siblings love by Hattory Mitsuka. Angels or demons, all sisters should care for each other— it's the ruuuuuuuule.

This doujin has been brought to you by our own beloved #1 Thunderslut (the manliest slut), Cucumis Sativus, who could have been busy ending world hunger or curing cancer, but instead decided to translate porn for you.

Priorities! We've got them straight.

See ya!


  1. please use MediaFire again

    1. We've been having issues with mediafire, and the other download sites have been problematic in the past. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. Dat sista's pen0r wuz hawt

    Been a while since I've seen a Sadistic Mary story. I remember the first one of theirs that I read was about a lady getting it on with a dog... and I found it quite hot (my poor tainted soul).

    Funny how all I know about this anime I learned from doujins. I've never seen the show before, but I have certainly been meaning to, it just slips my mind. Same with Touhou, only ever really played a little of the 11th game, the rest I learned from doujins.

    Oh and to the other dude with the issues with downloading from MEGA, you can try another browser and it might work. I have no problems with Firefox in which the only add-on I have is Ad Blocker Plus.

    Anyways, thanks for the release.
